dimanche 8 juin 2014

La Surface Pro arrive le mois prochain... aux Etats-Unis d #39;abord

Microsoft vient d’annoncer la date de sortie précise de la version Windows 8 de sa Surface Pro.

Microsoft Surface ProAvec la Surface RT, Microsoft nous proposait une première tablette 100% maison, mais loin d’être exempte de défauts. Des tares principalement dues à son système d’exploitation, Windows RT, un OS mobile à la conception assez discutable. Du coup, l’arrivée d’une version Pro de la tablette, équipée de Windows 8, pourrait donner un nouvel intérêt à l’appareil.

Initialement attendue pour le mois de janvier, la Surface Pro arrivera finalement le 9 février prochain, aux États-Unis et au Canada dans un premier temps. Si aucune date n’a été précisée pour l’Europe, on peut décemment espérer une mise en vente dans les semaines suivantes. La Surface Pro pourra être acquise sur la boutique en ligne de Microsoft (microsoftstore.com), dans les MS Store « physiques » et quelques enseignes de grande distribution (Staples, Best Buy). Elle sera vendue à partir de 899$, en version 64 ou 128 Go.

Pour rappel, la Surface Pro est équipée d’un processeur Intel Core i5 et son écran de 10,6 pouces affiche une définition de 1920 x 1080 pixels. Le format reste le même que celui de la version RT, à ceci près qu’elle fait 13.46 mm d’épaisseur, contre 9.39 mm, et pèse 903 grammes. Plus proche de l’ultrabook que de la tablette, elle serait, d’après les premiers retours de confrères américains, dotée d’une autonomie de 5 heures et propose une qualité d’affichage excellente. Il nous tarde en tout cas de mettre la main dessus.

jeudi 29 mai 2014

Big environmental footprints 21 percent of homes account for 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions

June 26, 2013 — Energy conservation in a small number of households could go a long way to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, scientists are reporting.

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Their study, which measured differences in energy demands at the household level, appears in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Dominik Saner and colleagues point out that the energy people use to power their homes and to satisfy their mobility needs accounts for more than 70 percent of emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas involved in global climate change. To cope with that problem, policymakers and environmentalists have focused largely on the supply side, for instance, electric power plants, heating systems and cars that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Saner and his team decided to take a close look at the other end of the equation -- how energy consumption for housing and land-based mobility at the household level impacts greenhouse gas emissions.

Their study of more than 3,000 households in a Swiss town found that only 21 percent of the households accounted for almost 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The biggest factors contributing to a few families having a disproportionately large environmental footprint were large living spaces (which use energy for heating, lighting and cooling) and long commutes in private vehicles. "If their emissions could be halved, the total emissions of the community would be reduced by 25 percent," the scientists concluded.

The authors acknowledge funding from the Competence Center for Energy & Mobility and Swisselectric Research.

vendredi 11 avril 2014

Après Internet, Outernet, pour un accès universel et gratuit depuis l'espace.

La société américaine Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), basée à New York, s'est lancée dans un projet fou : donner accès à Internet depuis l'espace. C'est en partant du constat que seuls 60% de la population mondiale avait accès à Internet que la firme a eu l'idée d'Outernet.

Pour réaliser ce projet, MDIF envisage déjà de lancer des centaines de satellites low cost miniatures qu'ils ont appelé "CubeSats". Miniatures oui, car ils ne font que 1,33 kg et 10 cm3. Ces satellites, en orbite autour de notre planète, permettraient de matérialiser l'Outernet et nous donneraient une connexion Wifi. Une connexion Wifi mondiale ET gratuite ! L'équipe chargée d'Outernet met tout en œuvre pour que le projet se concrétise vraiment à partir de juin 2015.


Cette technologie existe déjà et ne date pas d'hier puisque ces CubeSats ont été développés en 1999 par deux universités américaines, Stanford et Cal Poly. Ils sont par ailleurs toujours utilisés et aident à certaines missions scientifiques. MDIF souhaite utiliser les installations et les équipements de la station spatiale internationale de la Nasa en septembre 2014 et utilisera aussi la technologie UDP, User Datagram Protocol qui permettra le partage des données. Étant une organisation à but non lucratif, la firme espère réussir à lever des dizaines de millions de dollars pour finaliser le projet Outernet. S'ils réussissent ces paris, Outernet devrait bel et bien voir le jour.

La gratuité d'Outernet et son impact mondial permettra également de déjouer la censure dont certains pays sont victimes. Mieux encore, Outernet jouera un rôle extrêmement important en cas de catastrophes naturelles grâce à son système de notification global.

Marathon Captain America au Grand Rex le Soldat de l'hiver en avant-première !

Attendu avec impatience par les fans de Marvel, le prochain opus de Captain America, nommé le Soldat de l'hiver, doit sortir dans les salles le mercredi 26 mars. Ce deuxième opus prends place peu de temps après les évènements de The Avengers (deux ans pour être exact).

Alors que le valeureux puceau au bouclier (incarné par Chris Evans) essaie de s'adapter au monde moderne après la défaite de Loki, les intrigues du SHIELD le rattrapent. Et il devra faire face à un ancien ami : Bucky, alias le Soldat de l'hiver. Heureusement, la Veuve Noire (aka Black Widow), incarnée par Scarlett Johansson, sera là pour épauler le justicier au drapeau américain.

Un Marathon Marvelien au Grand Rex

Avec une pensée pour les fans impatients, le Grand Rex et Marvel ont organisé pour le dimanche 23 mars un marathon des films liés à Captain America, qui se terminera par une avant-première de Captain America, Le Soldat de l'hiver.

La journée commencera à 13h30 avec Captain America, First Avenger, suivi de The Avengers à 16h00 et de l'avant-première à 19h15. On retrouvera donc les autres Avengers pour un Marvelthon qui devrait ravir les fans (à l'exception des puristes).

Il faudra compter 20 euros pour ce marathon, qui commencera donc à 13h30 pour ce finir aux alentours de 21h30. On ne sait pas pour vous, mais on attends avec impatience ce nouvel opus. Et promis, on ne spoilera pas (trop) le film après l'avoir vu.

En attendant l'avant-première (une situation légèrement cocasse), vous pouvez toujours vous arrachez les cheveux de frustration, ou regardez la dernière bande-annonce du film en VF ou VOSTFR (et baver) :

vendredi 28 mars 2014

Path to compact, robust sources for ultrashort laser pulses

June 3, 2013 — Laser researchers in Munich are challenging a basic assumption of engineering: "You can't have it all." They have shown that for certain kinds of laser applications in biomedical imaging, material processing, and communications, a new approach could deliver the desired capabilities with no problematic tradeoffs: in compact, inexpensive, efficient and long-lived devices that produce ultrashort, high-energy light pulses.

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This research is a close collaboration between members of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) and the Physics Department of LMU Munich.

Their latest paper, published in Nature Communications, describes experiments showing that cheap, robust semiconductor lasers can produce high-energy light pulses as short as 60 picoseconds (trillionths of a second) without the drawbacks of previous approaches in terms of power consumption and device size. At the same time it presents theoretical results predicting that this technique will break the next barrier for such lasers: subpicosecond pulses.

"Our models and simulations actually let us identify changes in the experimental setup that could yield a further thousand-fold improvement in performance," says Dr. Christian Jirauschek of TUM, "potentially producing pulses shorter than 30 femtoseconds."

Reshaping continuous wave output to short intense pulses

The Munich researchers' approach employs a relatively new kind of laser in a novel configuration. Dr. Robert Huber, leader of the LMU group, is co-inventor of this device, the Fourier domain mode-locked (FDML) laser. Rather than emitting light centered on one highly specific "color," the FDML laser rapidly and repeatedly sweeps through a range of wavelengths. The idea behind the experiment now is to reshape the continuous wave output from the FDML laser to short intense pulses.

"The advantage of this experimental configuration," Huber explains, "comes from storing the entire energy of each FDML laser sweep directly as a light field -- spread out like colors of an infrared rainbow -- in a kilometer-long optical fiber inside the laser resonator." This is more efficient than storing the energy in the semiconductor structure of the laser source. The different wavelength components travel at different speeds and enter a second optical fiber, outside the laser, at different times. This second fiber is laid out so that the different speeds exactly compensate for the different entry times: All colors exit the second fiber at the same time, forming a short laser pulse. This is the key to preserving high output energy even while shortening the pulse time -- without increasing power consumption or requiring the use of a larger device.

This research was supported by the Emmy Noether program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) -- HU 1006/2-1, JI 115/1-1; by the DFG project JI 115/2-1; and by the European Union through FUN OCT (FP7 HEALTH, contract number 201880) and FDML-Raman (ERC contract 259158).

samedi 22 mars 2014

Engineers enable 'bulk' silicon to emit visible light for the first time

Mar. 27, 2013 — Electronic computing speeds are brushing up against limits imposed by the laws of physics. Photonic computing, where photons replace comparatively slow electrons in representing information, could surpass those limitations, but the components of such computers require semiconductors that can emit light.

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Now, research from the University of Pennsylvania has enabled "bulk" silicon to emit broad-spectrum, visible light for the first time, opening the possibility of using the element in devices that have both electronic and photonic components.

The research was conducted by associate professor Ritesh Agarwal, postdoctoral fellow Chang-Hee Cho and graduate students Carlos O. Aspetti and Joohee Park, all of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Penn's School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Their work was published in Nature Photonics.

Certain semiconductors, when imparted with energy, in turn emit light; they directly produce photons, instead of producing heat. This phenomenon is commonplace and used in light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, which are ubiquitous in traffic signals, new types of light bulbs, computer displays and other electronic and optoelectronic devices. Getting the desired photonic properties often means finding the right semiconducting material. Agarwal's group produced the first ever all-optical switch out of cadmium sulfide nanowires, for example.

Semiconducting materials -- especially silicon -- form the backbone of modern electronics and computing, but, unfortunately, silicon is an especially poor emitter of light. It belongs to a group of semiconducting materials, which turns added energy into heat. This makes integrating electronic and photonic circuits a challenge; materials with desirable photonic properties, such as cadmium sulfide, tend to have poor electrical properties and vice versa and are not compatible with silicon-based electronic devices.

"The problem is that electronic devices are made of silicon and photonic devices are typically not," Agarwal said. "Silicon doesn't emit light and the materials that do aren't necessarily the best materials for making electronic devices."

With silicon entrenched as the material of choice for the electronics industry, augmenting its optical properties so it could be integrated into photonic circuitry would make consumer-level applications of the technology more feasible.

"People have tried to solve this problem by doping silicon with other materials, but the light emission is then in the very long wavelength range, so it's not visible and not very efficient and can degrade its electronic properties," Agarwal said. "Another approach is to make silicon devices that are very small, five nanometers in diameter or less. At that size you have quantum confinement effects, which allows the device to emit light, but making electrical connections at that scale isn't currently feasible, and the electrical conductivity would be very low."

To get elemental, "bulk" silicon to emit light, Agarwal's team drew upon previous research they had conducted on plasmonic cavities. In that earlier work, the researchers wrapped a cadmium sulfide nanowire first in a layer of silicon dioxide, essentially glass, and then in a layer of silver. The silver coating supports what are known as surface plasmons, waves that are a combination of oscillating metal electrons and of light. These surface plasmons are highly confined to the surface where the silicon dioxide and silver layers meet. For certain nanowire sizes, the silver coating creates pockets of resonance and hence highly confined electromagnetic fields -- in other words, light -- within the nanostructure.

Normally, after excitation the semiconductor must first "cool down," releasing energy as heat, before "jumping" back to the ground state and finally releasing the remaining energy as light. The Penn team's semiconductor nanowires coupled with plasmonic nanocavities, however, can jump directly from a high-energy excited state to the ground state, all but eliminating the heat-releasing cool-down period. This ultra-fast emission time opens the possibility of producing light from semiconductors such as silicon that might otherwise only produce heat.

"If we can make the carriers recombine immediately," Agarwal said, "then we can produce light in silicon."

In their latest work, the group wrapped pure silicon nanowires in a similar fashion, first with a coating of glass and then one of silver. In this case, however, the silver did not wrap completely around the wire as the researchers first mounted the glass-coated silicon on a sperate pane of glass. Tucking under the curve of the wire but unable to go between it and the glass substrate, the silver coating took on the shape of the greek letter omega -- Ω -- while still acting as a plasmonic cavity.

Critically, the transparent bottom of the omega allowed the researchers to impart energy to the semiconductor with a laser and then examine the light silicon emitted.

Even though the silicon nanowire is excited at a single energy level, which corresponds to the wavelength of the blue laser, it produces white light that spans the visible spectrum. This translates into a broad bandwidth for possible operation in a photonic or optoelectronic device. In the future, it should also be possible to excite these silicon nanowires electrically.

"If you can make the silicon emit light itself, you don't have to have an external light source on the chip," Agarwal said. "We could excite the silicon electrically and get the same effect, and we can make it work with wires from 20 to 100 nanometers in diameter, so it's very compatible in terms of length scale with current electronics."

The research was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office and the National Institutes of Health.

Engineers design spacesuit tools, biomedical sensors to keep astronauts healthy

Nov. 25, 2013 — Kansas State University researchers are improving astronauts' outerwear for outer space.

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The collaborative team -- which includes electrical and computer engineering professors and more than a dozen students -- envisions a future spacesuit that could monitor astronauts' health and use body heat to power electronics. By working with a model spacesuit, the engineers are exploring how wearable medical sensors can be used in future space missions to keep astronauts healthy.

The project is supported by a three-year, $750,000 NASA grant and involves the College of Engineering's electrical and computer engineering department, the Electronic Design Laboratory and the College of Human Ecology, including the kinesiology department and the apparel, textiles and interior design department.

William Kuhn, professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Steven Warren, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, are two key faculty members working on the engineering portion.

"This project supports a number of undergraduate and graduate students in doing systems-level engineering research and making them the technologists of the future," Kuhn said.

The project involves five parts, with several students involved in each part:

* Developing and testing biosensors that can monitor astronauts' vital data, such as breathing rate or muscle activity.

* Creating a specialized wireless network so that spacesuit biosensors can communicate with each other and with a space station.

* Using energy harvesting technology to power radios and biosensors while an astronaut is in a spacesuit.

* Building hardware prototypes for biosensors and energy harvesting electronics.

* Producing spinoff technologies, such as new radio technologies and devices that apply to home care.

"This project is a good example of how when you do something in space, everything needs to be rethought -- human elements and nonhuman elements of the system," Warren said. "We have a lot to learn about human physiology and what happens to a person as they physically change in a reduced-gravity environment."

The engineers are using 3D electromagnetic field simulators and a spacesuit model. Because real spacesuits cost $13 million, Erin Monfort-Nelson, master's student in apparel, textiles and interior design, Iola, built a replica of the spacesuit used in the space shuttle program. The suit replica is made of multiple layers of material, including metalized fabrics to model the layers in real suits that protect astronauts and keep them warm.

Batteries are too dangerous to place in a spacesuit's oxygen-rich environment, so the team is developing new energy harvesting methods to gather energy. These methods use the temperature difference between body heat and the spacesuit's cooling garment to power radios and other electronics inside the spacesuit.

"This is a systems-level project where we bring together integrated circuit design, software design, biomedical sensors and the biology of people," Kuhn said.

Added to the communication and power challenges in space is that astronauts' bodies also change in space. Muscle mass and bone density decrease and an astronaut's vision can change. Warren is working with Thomas Barstow, professor of kinesiology, and a team of students to develop sensors that astronauts can wear to measure their health and predict fatigue onset. Studies have involved simulated lunar tasks -- such as climbing ladders or collecting rock samples -- while wearing both commercial sensors and devices developed by the Kansas State University team.

Some of these wearable body area network sensors include:

* Electromyographic sensors to monitor muscle activity.

* Accelerometers to measure movement.

* Pulse oximetry sensors worn on the forehead, wrist or finger to measure blood oxygen saturation and heart rate.

* Chest-worn respiration belts to measure breathing rate.

The engineers also are developing ways for these sensors to communicate with each other in the suit and to a spacesuit hub that transmits the information back to the space station.

"This project is a fantastic community and team-building effort," Warren said. "It offers a good venue to establish a local community of researchers that have a fruitful and frequent dialogue to accomplish the same goal. We can move new ideas into the classroom and teach them to students."